Monday 26 March 2012

What was Africa

Photography by Shibia Huizer (London) 
Oh! How I love these pictures....
In my life as a fashinista, stylist and former fashion design student, I have seen but a few fashionitas playing around with color and loads of layering!
Most of us designers and fashinistas play it safe when it comes to our everyday look, we avoid loads of layering whatsoever, but I must say though that less is more.
I admire this girl, in both looks she was able to pull them very beautifully!
I love her use and choice of accessories,color combinations: shirts, skirts, yellow and orange socks and the Nike sneakers! 
I believe this is a beautiful reflection of "what was Africa" in a contemporary way

The African style is =  color and loads of layers; I am talking of your accessories, dresses, skirts and tops!

Jamakazi Pearl Chwayita: 
stylist designer and founder of the most amazing vintage boutique in Johannesburg "Fruit Cake"
Jama is a True reflection of "What was Africa"
I love her style to bits; a good combination of Vintage Out of Africa.
This is a beautiful image.. I love the aesthetics of both the image and the style presented!
If I was a girl, I think I'd be looking more like her...
beautiful purple dress, and beautiful yellow accessories with a dash of green
for more on Jama... view her profile on facebook

1 comment:

  1. Everything is a remix , I'm ! Done beautiful color presentation . Colonnading all de way lol
